End of Year Experiences
2023-2024 Kentucky Summative Assessment (KSA) Results for Thomas Nelson High School
Reading: 30% Proficient, 9% Distinguished
Mathematics: 21% Proficient, 9% Distinguished
senior grad walk
Date: Monday, May 20th
Time: C&C-3rd Period
Location: Begin at Thomas Nelson - Bus Class of 2024 to feeder elementary schools
Who Can Attend: All TNHS & NCHS Seniors
Details: Seniors begin Lift-Off Week inspiring future Nelson County and Thomas Nelson graduates by visiting one feeder elementary school. Seniors are to BRING THEIR GRADUATION GOWN for this visit.
Date: Monday, May 20th
Time: 6th and 7th Period
Location: TNHS Front Entrance & Legacy Walkway
Who Can Attend: TNHS Seniors and the Freshman Class
Details: During this ceremony, all anticipated TNHS graduates are given their brick by a member of the Class of 2027 Freshman CAREtakers across houses. Seniors are then called forward in small groups to place their bricks on the ground to symbolize their foundational role in our Nelson County community. This event occurs outside in the front of Thomas Nelson High School near the Legacy Walkway.
Date: Thursday, May 23rd
Time: 1st Period
Location: TNHS Gym
Who Can Attend: TNHS grades 9-12
Details: This special event, hosted by our SOC, brings together our Juniors and Seniors in celebration of passing the CARE torch. Various seniors share advice, stories, and insight with underclassmen. Following the shared readings, all of the seniors symbolically light their candles and pass the LEADERship torch to a junior class member as they progress around the balcony of the gymnasium for their last time as a Thomas Nelson student. All Thomas Nelson students attend this special ceremony. This event will be streamed live for any family members who would like to experience the event.
senior parade
Date: Thursday, May 23rd
Time: • 3:30-5:15pm @ NCHS - Seniors show their TNHS pride by decorating their cars during this time (FORM HAD TO BE COMPLETED NO LATER THAN 5/13/24 TO PARTICIPATE)
• 5:30pm - begin car lineup
• 6:00pm - parade route begins down North 3rd Street
Location: Nelson County High School student parking lot
Who Can Attend: • 3:30-5:30pm @NCHS - TNHS & NCHS Seniors
• 6:00pm along 3rd Street (west side of North 3rd Street has best view)- ENTIRE COMMUNITY
Date: Wednesday, May 22nd
Time: C&C-3rd Period
Location: TNHS Gym
Who Can Attend: TNHS grades 9-12, 1 TNHS Senior mentor plus 2 additional guests (by TNHS Senior invite)
Details: This unique "dress for success" event doubles as an awards ceremony and an opportunity to CARE for and CONNECT with people that made our future story journey possible. In this event, Seniors invite a special mentor to join them on the graduation floor for a pinning celebration and awards ceremony. Seniors will be able to invite two additional community members to this event. Refreshments will be served from 8:30-9:00 AM with the ceremony beginning promptly at 9:00 AM.
Date: Thursday, May 23rd & Friday, May 24th
Time: Thursday: 2nd-3rd Period; Friday: 9:45-11:45 AM
Location: TNHS Gym
Who Can Attend: Class of 2024 Seniors (MANDATORY to walk at the ceremony), Junior Marshalls
Details: Graduation rehearsal is MANDATORY for seniors who wish to walk at graduation. This is an important piece in ensuring the graduation ceremony run in an efficient, celebratory, and diligent manner. Seniors - Be sure to make arrangements to be here on these two dates at the given times.
Date: Friday, May 24th
Time: 8:45-9:45am
Location: TNHS College & Career Cafe
Who Can Attend: All TNHS Seniors are expected to attend, Parent Volunteers
Details: This tradition takes place the morning of the last day for seniors. Seniors “Eat Oatmeal” and celebrate their journey together! This breakfast will kickoff our second day of MANDATORY GRADUATION REHEARSALS.
Date: Friday, May 24th
Gym Doors Open for Ticketed Guests - 6:45pm
Ceremony begins promptly at 7:30 and ends around 8:30pm
Location: TNHS Gym
Details: Join us in celebrating our Class of 2024 as they prepare for Lift-Off! Graduation will be held in the TNHS gym. Graduates will be allowed 9 guests.
NOTE: Class of 2024 Graduating Seniors are to report to Hamilton Hall at 6:00pm